Display Panel
The bike locker Display Panel is a PosterGrip® snap-in aluminum frame to display ads, maps, and promotions on the side panels. Great for wayfinding, promoting cycle commuting programs, and generating significant marketing and advertising revenue.
With PosterGrip Front-Loading Frames you can change posters in seconds. All four spring-loaded frame rails open from the front without having to remove frame from the locker. The durable aluminum construction with moisture-resistant backs mean PosterGrip frames will last for years and can be used indoors or outdoors.
The media that is used is to be furnished by others for the owner of the lockers. We don’t provide it.
The media can be pre-covered with a sheet of polycarbonate to protect the media surface from vandalism and UV. Some media can be pre-laminated with a protective film.
The Display Panels are available in 60″ wide x 24″ high which covers the recessed area (ProPark) or a scaled part of the side (EcoPark); and 72″ wide x 44″ high which covers the entire side of the locker (ProPark only).